Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Class done!!

Tonight was the last night of class!! I really hate to wish the summer away but I am really glad this summer semester is over! I have 2 classes this fall and then I will begin the Respiratory Therapy program!! I am so excited to get started!
It was fun taking a class with my daughter and I will miss that. She goes back to CMU next week and I will miss having her around.
Hope everyone has a good fall semester!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Extension of Unemployment Benefits

This week's blog assignment:
Do you agree or disagree with President Obama signing extended unemployment bill? Why or why not?

I have mixed feelings on this one. There are those who are unable to find work who want to find work and there are those who look at this as more time to do nothing and get paid for it.
My understanding is that people receive a check and then they cash and spend their check the same as you would a paycheck. There is no control over how the money is spent such as on the necessities like the rent/house payment, food, etc. The money can be used for anything like unneeded clothes, expensive cell phone plans, even drugs. (no, I'm not saying everyone on unemployment benefits buys drugs!)
There are many who are going to college to get a degree through a program for those who have lost a job and this requires them to be in school full time so they are not able to seek a full time job right now. If they are to lose benefits they will have to give up college. I fully support these individuals receiving the benefits. I have met several here at JCC since I've been taking classes. They are looking forward to graduating and working in their new careers. They are also working very hard at school because they cannot fail a class or they will have to pay for it.
I don't know how to solve the problem of those who completely abuse the unemployment program. Maybe if people could report those who they feel are getting the benefits who should not be getting them and it could be investigated. Maybe they do this already, I don't know.
I also worry about where the money is supposed to come from. None of the articles I read in newspapers seemed to mention this.

See you all in class, look forward to hearing the oral presentations. Only a 2 more weeks!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Argumentative Paper

Should Michigan’s Helmet Law Stay or Go?
In Michigan there is a law requiring all motorcycle riders to wear a helmet. Biker’s rights groups and many motorcyclists are pushing for the law to be repealed. It actually has been repealed twice but both times was vetoed by the Governor. There is once again a bill in the legislature to repeal the law. This law should not be repealed because helmets prevent head injuries and save lives.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) report, “Traffic Safety Facts, Motorcycle Helmet Use Laws” states that motorcycle helmets are 67 percent effective in preventing brain injury and unhelmeted motorcyclists involved in crashes are 40 percent more likely to suffer a fatal head injury. They estimate that between 1984 and 2002 helmets saved the lives of 13,774 motorcyclists and 9,508 lives could have been saved by wearing a helmet. They report a reduction of motorcycle fatalities in the first year following passage of helmet laws in several states. In Oregon, a 33% reduction; Nebraska, 32%; Texas, 23%; Washington state, 15%; California 37%; and Maryland a 20% reduction. In contrast, when states repeal helmet laws there is an increase in motorcycle fatalities. Examples they cite include Arkansas with a 21% increase in the first year following the repeal, Texas, 31%; Kentucky, 37%; and Louisiana with a 48% increase. When states only require certain riders to wear helmets, such as under 18 years old, helmet use is much lower. Helmet laws that govern only minors are harder to enforce. (“Traffic Safety Facts”)
The Governor of Michigan is against repealing the law. Governor Jennifer Granholm has vetoed bills in 2006 and 2008. (“Michigan Governor again”) On March 25, 2010 the House passed a bill that would change the law to allow riders over 21 to ride without a helmet. Governor Granholm says she will veto the bill if passed by the senate. “Governor Granholm supports Michigan’s current law, which requires motorcycle riders to wear helmets. The Governor has said she has concerns about safety and what would happen to insurance costs if the law were repealed.” (“Michigan House Backs”) The bill would require motorcyclists who wish to ride without a helmet to carry $20,000 insurance coverage for medical costs, complete a motorcycle safety course, buy a $100 annual permit and have been licensed for at least 2 years. The bill is currently in the Senate Committee on Economic Development and regulatory Reform. (“House Bill 4747”)
The Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) released a statement the day after the House voted to pass the helmet repeal bill. The statement reads, “The decision to repeal the Michigan Helmet Law is completely misguided and it is a disservice to the people of Michigan.” It goes on to say that the cost of health and auto insurance for all residents will increase. Medicaid expenditures would increase. Costs of neurosurgery, intensive care, rehabilitation and long term care would, in many cases, be uncompensated care or be billed to Medicaid leaving the general population having to pay. (McCurtis)
There are more than just government agencies that support the helmet law. Emergency physicians support wearing helmets for motorcyclists. Dr. Angela Gardner, President of the American College of Emergency Physicians says, “Helmet use is the single most important factor in people surviving motorcycle crashes. They reduce the risk of head, brain and facial injury among motorcyclists of all ages and crash severities.” (“Injury Prevention”)
The American College of Surgeons statement on motorcycle helmet laws states that the
American College of Surgeons recognizes that:
Helmeted motorcycle riders have up to an 85 percent reduced incidence of severe, serious, and critical brain injuries compared with unhelmeted riders. Unhelmeted motorcyclists are over three times as likely to suffer a brain injury when compared with helmeted motorcyclists.
The average inpatient care costs for motorcyclists who sustain a brain injury are more than twice the costs incurred by hospitalized motorcyclists without brain injury.
A large portion of the economic burden of motorcycle crashes is borne by the public.
In states with universal helmet use laws, helmet use is close to 100 percent.
When universal helmet use laws are enacted, helmet use increases and fatalities and serious injuries decrease.
When universal helmet use laws are repealed, helmet use decreases and injuries and associate costs increase.
Therefore, the American College of Surgeons supports efforts to enact and sustain universal helmet laws for motorcycle riders. (“ST-35”)
The push to repeal our helmet law is led by motorcyclists and biker rights groups. Many motorcyclists just don’t want the government telling them what to do. One organization very active in lobbying against the helmet law is ABATE of Michigan. ABATE (American Bikers Aiming Toward Education) believes that riders should choose the extent of safety gear worn.
ABATE promotes education and fights against legislation. They believe the best way to reduce crashes is educating motorcyclists on how to ride safely and automobile drivers on motorcycle awareness. (“Our Mission”)
“The argument that helmet use is a choice fails to account for the societal costs associated with the decision not to wear a helmet.” “There is overwhelming evidence that helmet laws lead to a reduction in head injuries as well as deaths due to head injury, and that non-helmeted riders suffer injuries in motorcycle accidents that generate enormous direct and indirect costs to society.” (Neiman)
A Michigan study of costs for non-helmeted riders admitted to University of Michigan Health Systems from July, 1996 to October, 2000 showed non-helmeted riders had significantly increased incidence of head injuries but not other injuries. Hospital costs were higher for patients not wearing helmets. (Neiman)
AAA Insurance Company opposes repealing the helmet law. AAA spokesman, Jack Peet called the fee a “get out of jail free card”. Peet also states that “we cannot afford to pass this bill which would add $140 million in economic costs to Michigan citizens. Motorcycle crashes account for a disproportionate share of money paid out of the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association (MCCA), which is a fund supported by a surcharge on every auto insurance policy. Motorcycles represent 1.7% of the assessments paid into MCCA but account for 6.7% of all claims. The $20,000 medical coverage wouldn’t begin to cover these catastrophic expenses.”(“AAA”)
Another argument against helmets is that they restrict the riders vision and ability to hear traffic. The Department of Transportation (DOT) established the standards which motorcycles helmets must meet or exceed to be legal. One of the standards is the amount of peripheral vision
a helmet must allow. Federal standards require helmets to allow for at least 105 degrees of peripheral vision. Most helmets provide a peripheral field of view greater than 210 degrees which falls within the normal peripheral vision range of 180 – 210 degrees. Their findings also show an inconsequential reduction in the rider’s ability to hear while wearing a helmet. (Neiman)
I have strong beliefs in the necessity of motorcycle helmets because of my own experience in the field of EMS for 13 years. I have treated motorcycle crash victims including some not wearing a helmet. It’s in my nature to want people to be protected against injuries but I can also understand people wanting it to be their choice and not government forcing them to wear helmets. It’s one of those things where there is such a fine line. A devastating injury or death affects more than just the individual. There is no protection for a motorcycle rider; they are out in the open. The most they can do is wear protective leather clothing and a good helmet.
It should be their choice but the fact is that their serious injuries, especially the long term debilitating ones, require very expensive care which few can afford so their care ends up being paid for by the citizens of the state through our Medicaid programs and the Catastrophic Claims fund. We have the choice to ride a motorcycle instead of driving a car; the helmet law is not there to take away our freedom. Motorcycle crashes almost always involve injury, shouldn’t we give ourselves all the protection possible and reduce our risk of life changing injuries as much as possible? I think so.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Bucket List assignment

This weeks assignment was the bucket list. I still do not have all 100 lines filled in. (I don't even have the first 50 filled in.) I don't know what I am going to write. It's not that I don't plan to do anything fun in my lifetime or that I don't have any dreams. Right now my life is consumed with school and work and I struggle to fit running in there. I figure that I just don't know yet what all the cool things are that I am going to do during the rest of my life. My kids are grown and as soon as I am done with school in December, 2012 I will get started with the rest of my life right away!!!
The first thing I wrote was that I want to do an Ironman triathlon someday. I don't know why but I figure that if I have run marathons and I've done smaller triathlons I should be able to work up to and complete an Ironman someday!!
Some of the other things I've written on the list:
*Fly with my Dad a few more times while he still has a pilots license (he's 72 and still going strong and still passes all tests!)
*go on a cruise (never have, always wanted to)
*collect all the special state quarters
*Climb Half Dome
Places to visit: Mount Rushmore, Florida Keys, Australia
Running related: qualify for Boston Marathon, Chicago marathon, Disney Goofy Challenge, Disney Princess weekend

Those are a few of the things I've written.
There are many things I have on my mind to pursue after I graduate from college. I wish these next two years would be gone already so that I can get on with it!!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Congrats to a classmate

Congratulations to classmate, Rosario, who was accepted into the Nursing program for this fall!!! Way to go!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Informative essay

Keeping Seniors in Their Homes
As people age and their abilities decline it becomes necessary to evaluate their living arrangements. Many do not wish to leave their homes. In recent years, there has been a trend toward people staying in their homes as long as possible. There is a wide variety of services available to help seniors stay in their homes but they must accept some changes to their homes and ways of doing things. Where does one start when facing the aging of a parent or other family member?
The family of the aging individual must determine the areas they may need help in. The Medicare website offers a “Long Term Planning Tool”. It asks for information about the individual’s health problems and abilities with various activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, walking and preparing meals. It also asks for some financial information then will show types of help you may need, how to find it and information on financial assistance. (“Long Term”)
To begin looking for services locally, each county has a department on Aging which is a good place to start. The Jackson County Department on Aging has a resource list with 26 different categories of services such as home medical equipment, home delivered meals and transportation. The staff of social workers, counselors, certified family life educators, home care specialists and nutritionists will assist families in determining the services they may need. (“Jackson”)
In order for an aging person to stay in their home some changes might need to be made for their safety. According to the National Resource Center for Supportive Housing and Home Modifications, falls are a leading cause of death for older Americans and half of all falls occur at home. Typical hazards that cause falls include loose throw rugs and clutter that obstructs pathways.(“Home Modifications”) Steps to take which help avoid falls in bathrooms are installing grab bars by the toilet and shower, using a raised toilet seat and use only non-slip rugs. If the person will be using stairs make sure stairs have hand rails on both sides. Light switches should be located at the top and bottom of the stairs and the stairs should be well lit. Throughout the house remove objects and clutter from walkways and remove throw rugs. (“Individuals”)
Changes that may need to be made range from the simple and inexpensive things listed above to altering the structure of the home, or “home modification”, which can become costly. The National Resource Center on Supportive Housing and Home Modification defines Home Modification as “the conversion or adaptation of the environment in order to make performing tasks easier, reduce accidents, and support independent living.” Typical renovations that may be needed are building a ramp to the door, a walk in shower which eliminates the need to step into a tub and wider doorways that will accommodate a wheelchair. (“Home Modifications”)
Once safety has been addressed then consider assistive devices. Assistive devices are tools that help elderly or disabled do the activities they have always done but must now do differently. Assistive devices include those for mobility like canes, walkers and electric scooters. Lever style door handles and larger cabinet handles are easier for arthritic hands to operate. Single lever faucets are easier to use. Telephones and clocks with large, lighted numbers are available. Most of these items are available at local home stores. (“Assistive Technology”)
The next area to address is services that are available to help keep seniors living in their homes. The National Institute on Aging publishes a guide called “There’s No Place Like Home –To Grow Old”, which outlines the services people most often need. The following are some of the types of help available from non-medical home care agencies. Personal care for when help is needed with bathing, dressing and grooming. Homemaking help for cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping. Some grocery stores deliver orders. When cooking is difficult options include the Meals on Wheels program which delivers meals to the home. Some senior centers serve meals. If help is needed with money management and a family member is not able to help some banks have programs to assist with bill paying. Home health care agencies provide medical care in the home. Some home health agencies also provide some non medical help too. Transportation is another issue when one is no longer able to drive. Public transportation prices are usually reduced for senior citizens. (“There’s No Place”)
The most difficult issue for many is paying for services. There is financial help available. The Jackson County Department on Aging does not charge a fee for their services. A donation is asked for but no one is denied service due to inability to pay. (“Jackson”)
Veterans should check with a Veteran’s Administration benefits counselor to see what they are eligible to receive. The number is 877-222-8387. Veterans’ benefits include medical care, home health aides and adult day care. Information is also available on their website, www.va.gov. (“There’s No Place”)
Medicare benefits can be determined with a tool on the Medicare website. (“Your Medicare”) or by calling 1-800-MEDICARE to speak with representatives who can verify your coverage.(“Contact Medicare”) This is also listed on the Jackson County Resource List as Medicare Helpline.
The National Institute on Aging recommends two benefits locater websites to help in finding benefits one may qualify for. www.govbenefits.gov provides information on federal, state and local government programs and their qualifications. They provide a questionnaire to answer and it will narrow down the list to programs you would be most likely to qualify for. The other website is www.benefitscheckup.org which is provided by the National Council on Aging. This also uses a questionnaire and provides information on programs, Medicare benefits, food assistance and eldercare assistance. There is also assistance for applying for Medicare extra prescription help. (“There’s no Place”)
Another resource is Central Michigan 211 Health and Human Services Information Line. This is accessed by dialing 211. 211 is a referral service, the call takers match callers with services they may qualify for and give the caller the contact information. (“Central”)
Reverse Mortgages may be what an aging homeowner needs to finance their Home modifications. A reverse mortgage is a special type of home loan for a homeowner over 62 which does not have to be repaid. You receive payments on your home as long as you still live in it. Payments can be monthly or for a fixed period of time or can be a line of credit to be used as needed. When the homeowner leaves their home the lender then sells the home and any proceeds in excess of the principle paid plus interest is paid to the person or their heirs. (“FHA”)
Some homes may need extensive work to be safe for an aging person to live in and may not be practical. Some people want to remain independent but feel the need to leave a big house they are no longer able to take care of. There are options for seniors to still live independently and on their own even though they may have to leave the home they are living in. Help guide.org defines the types of senior living choices. Independent living keeps seniors self sufficient yet provides the security of a senior community. Assisted living and congregate housing are very similar. These are for people without severe medical problems who, for the most part, live independently but need minimal assistance with tasks and some provide at least one meal daily. Board and care is a state licensed assisted living which provides more assistance, meals and activities. Continuing care retirement communities are campuses where a person can progress to the different stages of living from independent to assisted and even nursing home if it becomes necessary while staying in the same place. (Russell)
With some planning and use of services available to seniors it is possible for the aging population to remain in their homes as they age. Growing old no longer automatically means going to the Old Folks Home. It is possible for Grandma to live by herself and the rest of the family will still be able to sleep at night!

Monday, June 21, 2010


Three weeks ago I ran a marathon.  Throughout much of the marathon I kept seeing a "little old lady" running along.  Her shirt said "Go Dorothy Go" on the back and "Run Dorothy Run" on the front.  I picked up my pace for the last three miles and I never saw her again but I know she finished shortly after I did.  I was just leaving the finish area when I heard people yelling "Yay Dorothy, Go Dorothy".  Later I looked in the results and there was a 65 yr old woman named Dorothy who finished about a minute after I did. 
I do not know this woman but she has really left an impression on me!  I have thought about her quite often since the marathon.  She is 65 years old and runs marathons! The day after the marathon I went to the grocery store.  I saw people competing to get into a  handicapped parking spot; the first thing that came to my mind was that if Dorothy goes to the grocery store today she won't be parking in a handicapped spot.  In the store I saw a woman riding on one of those motorized grocery carts and I said out-loud, "Dorothy doesn't need one of those!"  My daughter wondered if I was losing my mind and asked me what I was talking about!!
I decided to look Dorothy up on Athlinks which is sort of the runners equivalent of Facebook.  She was there!!  According to her profile she began running at age 41 (same as me!) and has run 18 marathons in the last 14 years.  I looked at her recent results and noticed that she ran the Boston Marathon in April of this year!!! WOW!!  I haven't even been able to qualify to do that yet.  She ran marathons April 19 and May 29, just over a month apart! That's impressive!!    
When I started running races a few years ago one of the first things I noticed was the people 20-plus years older than me who ran the races and some of them just as fast or faster than I do.  I work in health care so I take care of people the same ages as these people who can barely walk to the bathroom and here are people the same age who run a 5K in less than 20 minutes.  (it takes me at least 23 minutes)   Sometimes working in health can be depressing. I see people and then wonder if I will be like that when I am that age.  My goal is to stay healthy and be able to drive, go to the store and just do the things I want to do without a cane, walker or wheelchair.  My goal in life is to never park in a handicapped parking spot or use a motorized grocery cart.  When I see people like Dorothy I have to believe that running will help me to achieve that. 
I've met people older than Dorothy in the past who still run.  It has always inspired me.  In 2007 I met a man shortly after I finished a marathon and I assumed that he had just finished but found out that, no, he didn't just finish but had finished 33 minutes ahead of me!!  He was 70 and had just run his 70th marathon!  He was very proud of that. 
So, when people ask me if I am crazy or why I want to put myself through running long distances I just think of myself as an 80 year old lady out running and amazing people over half my age!!!!!  Actually I think of my future 80 year old self traveling to great places without any problems getting around to run races!!!!  I picture myself running with my grand or great grand children!!!  I also have this idea that I want to be a lifeguard on cruise ships when I am retired.  I am counting on running to keep me healthy and active for a very long time. 
Just say NO to canes, walkers, riding grocery carts, wheelchairs and handicapped parking!!!!!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Public smoking ban

This week blog assignment:
Find a social issue you agree or disagree with.  Post your blog stating your position and reasons to support your opinion.

I'm a non-smoker so, obviously, I am in favor of the ban on smoking in public places BUT...
When you really think about it, a business owner should be able to decide if smoking is allowed or not.  Before there was a ban there were many places choosing to go smoke free.  They chose to not allow smoking even though an establishment next door could choose to allow it.  Many businesses have a particular client in mind such as whole families or just adults, for example.  Allowing or not allowing smoking would depend on the client the business wants to attract.   
There are some restaurants where no matter what they do to separate the smoking and non-smoking sections the smoke could still be smelled throughout the restaurant.  If enough customers say something about it a business owner should figure out how to make it better.  
I would not be surprised if some revisions to this law will be made someday.  
There is no question that smoking and second hand smoke is hazardous to our health but this ban isn't going to stop people from smoking.  It will definitely keep second hand smoke from non smokers in public places which is what I think the goal is.   

Friday, June 4, 2010

Oil Spill

This weeks English class blog assignment is the oil spill.  I recalled that Sunday's Detroit Free Press had several articles which I hadn't had time to read since I was more concerned with sleeping and visiting my favorite sports massage therapist after the previous day's 26.2 mile adventure!!

I had lost track of exactly when this happened.  I found out in one of the articles that it was April 20th.  WOW, it's been well over a month.  One of the articles is titled, "We Can't Make This Well Stop".  The  latest thing they tried which was filling the flowing well with mud but that has failed.  They are next going to try capping the well.  That makes sense to me although I know nothing about oil wells.  The cap is already on the sea floor and ready to go.  The article states: "It isn't immediately clear how soon crews would begin the procedure." HUH??  I sure hope they are beginning.  I hope they didn't take the holiday weekend off.  It is a 4 day procedure.  The estimates of the amount of oil spilled is anywhere between 18 and 40 million gallons; I can't even imagine that amount. 

There was a picture of people cleaning a pelican who was covered in oil.  I am sure there will be a lot of wild life lost to this.     I have to wonder what they are going to do with the pelican; will he be put back into the same water?  It would just get covered in oil again. 

Today the Freep is reporting that they began the process to cap the well.  They first had to saw something  off and the saw got stuck.  There is a second saw going down there to finish the procedure.  After the cap is placed another well must be drilled to completely stop the flow and the article says that might take until August.  AUGUST???
My worst fear is that the oil will drift to the Florida Keys which is what I consider to be the most wonderful place on earth!  The oil is getting close to the panhandle of Florida and the white sand beaches.  I've been to a couple of places on the panhandle and there are some beautiful beaches. 

This has to stop soon. 
I guess we will find out tomorrow if the saw got freed and the cap put in place.  We can only hope.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Google in Michigan

I read on annarbor.com today that Google estimates their ecomomic impact on Michigan is approx. 906 million.  Now, this report is from Google itself.  They arrived at this figure saying their clients get a 2 to 1 return on their investment.  In their "Economic Impact Report" they highlighted their impact on Zingerman's.  According to the report, Zingerman's mail order business reports a 4 to 1 return on their investment.  Now, have you ever been to Zingerman's Deli, Roadhouse or Bakehouse and not seen lines out the doors???????  Have you ever seen them NOT busy?   I realize that the report is referencing the mail order business and not the resturants but Zingerman's was a very successful company to begin with. 
When Google first located offices in Ann Arbor they said that they were going to hire 1000 new employees by 2011; so far they have approx. 200 and 2011 is now less than a year away. 
I in no way mean to criticize Google as I was happy to hear that they were locating a new office in Ann Arbor.  Any new jobs are good for a city.  Two hundred jobs is substantial. 
I don't know much about economic impact reports but do companies usually make their own economic impact reports?  Are there guidlines?  How do they arrive at an economic impact other than how much they pay their employees? 
So far no one has commented on the story online.  It will be interesting to see what people have to say. 

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Introducing me

Hi, my name is Lorenda!
I'm in college to change careers.  I am working toward becoming a Respiratory Therapist.  I am currently an EMT-Specialist and work on an ambulance.
My daughter and I are both in this class.  She is a student at Central Michigan University and is taking two classes at JCC this summer. 
This is my fifth semester.  I am working part time and going to college part time.  I started a blog shortly after making the decision to go back to school as a way to reflect on the craziness of going to college, working part time and keeping up with my favorite activity, running, so I have been blogging for awhile.
I love running!  I am running a marathon on Saturday of Memorial Day weekend in Traverse City.  I decided to do this marathon last November and signed up in January.  It is hard to believe that it is now only 6 days away!  It was a long winter.  After the marathon I will take it easy for a few weeks and recover and then I will begin training for my next marathon which will be October 17th in Grand Rapids.  I ran the Grand Rapids marathon two years ago and am excited to run it again.
I also enjoy biking and kayaking.  I love reading although I have not had much time to read books since I've been going to college.  I am looking forward to reading books again after I graduate.  
I have been thinking about the topics that I will write my papers on.  I will be writing about health related topics.  I may write one of them on running and it's health benefits.

See you in class on Tuesday!!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I'm From...

I am from country roads, cows and chickens in the yard and a dial phone on the wall.

I am from flying in an airplane with my Dad to Mackinac Island for the day.

I am from adding up miles of bike riding and running during the summer.

I am from dresses sewn by my Grandmother.

I am from a house with no television but a large yard, acres of fields and woods and a great big barn that entertained us beter than a television could have.

This blog is for my English class.  The class is a writing class and we are exploring many different types of writing including blogging. 
This poem was the first assignment for English class. 

the oldest student in the class