Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Extension of Unemployment Benefits

This week's blog assignment:
Do you agree or disagree with President Obama signing extended unemployment bill? Why or why not?

I have mixed feelings on this one. There are those who are unable to find work who want to find work and there are those who look at this as more time to do nothing and get paid for it.
My understanding is that people receive a check and then they cash and spend their check the same as you would a paycheck. There is no control over how the money is spent such as on the necessities like the rent/house payment, food, etc. The money can be used for anything like unneeded clothes, expensive cell phone plans, even drugs. (no, I'm not saying everyone on unemployment benefits buys drugs!)
There are many who are going to college to get a degree through a program for those who have lost a job and this requires them to be in school full time so they are not able to seek a full time job right now. If they are to lose benefits they will have to give up college. I fully support these individuals receiving the benefits. I have met several here at JCC since I've been taking classes. They are looking forward to graduating and working in their new careers. They are also working very hard at school because they cannot fail a class or they will have to pay for it.
I don't know how to solve the problem of those who completely abuse the unemployment program. Maybe if people could report those who they feel are getting the benefits who should not be getting them and it could be investigated. Maybe they do this already, I don't know.
I also worry about where the money is supposed to come from. None of the articles I read in newspapers seemed to mention this.

See you all in class, look forward to hearing the oral presentations. Only a 2 more weeks!!!


  1. I agree that there isn't ever going to be a totally agreed upon way to fix this problem. It's a shame that people feel like they have the right to abuse this and do. Too bad everyone can't all have the same thoughts and morals or else we wouldn't have this problem!

  2. I agree as well. It seems as though this is just a growing problem that has no right answer. In my experience talking with people about this issue, its like a split. Half the people I have talked to agree and the other half don't. Someone in the end will not agree.
